Tue, 29th Jun '04, 11:00 pm::
I miss Rutgers. And New Jersey. And my friends.
Sun, 27th Jun '04, 9:55 pm::
I wish I was a good cook. I made an Indian-style dish tonight - just plain old alu-nu-shak. It turned out pretty good actually. But in the process I lost the glass-lid of my pot :( Well I don't know why it shattered into pieces as I was washing it - it certainly wasn't that hot or cold. Hmmm. But the food was good :)
Sun, 27th Jun '04, 7:20 pm::
Just saw Rounders. Pretty decent movie.
Sun, 27th Jun '04, 1:25 pm::
Sun, 27th Jun '04, 10:05 am::
Went for a short run. It got too hot so I had to stop. I got the whole day to myself to do whatever I want :) I'm gonna sit back, relax, eat, and watch some good TV!
Thu, 24th Jun '04, 8:25 pm::
I can't believe I'm alive. It's 90F (about 32C) outside and I just ran... hold your breath... 4.5 miles (7.2 kms) in 50 minutes. This is the most I have EVER run in my life without stopping. I feel great right now, not too tired either. It's weird but I kinda feel proud of myself, breaking my own record :) The last time I ran so much was sometime in late 1999 during my rowing practice - 45 minutes. Well, this is nothing. I still need to run more and more.
Wed, 23rd Jun '04, 7:40 pm::
Just ran 3 miles in 33 minutes. It's not a great time but I'm trying hard. It's pretty hot outside too so that makes it tougher.
Wed, 23rd Jun '04, 5:30 pm::
Third day at work and things couldn't be better. I'm loving every moment of the day here in St. Petes. Yesterday I went out to run under clear skies. As soon as I was outside, it started thundering, raining, and there was some scary lightning close by. Suffice to say, I ran back home but not before I was absolutely soaked. I'll try to run further today. Let's see how it goes.
This weekend I'm planning a nice beach picnic. Let's see what happens.
Mon, 21st Jun '04, 6:15 pm::
Had my first day at work today. It was pretty good. Met a lot of new people, had lunch with my boss/client, set up my new computer, and two other computers. In the beginning my work is quite simple, just setting up a systematic environment for everyone but pretty soon I will be making some spiffy new websites, software, and systems. Now I've the whole night for myself. So let's see what I gotta do...
Sun, 20th Jun '04, 1:30 pm::
My new job starts tomorrow. I'm so excited.
Sun, 20th Jun '04, 1:00 am::
Here's to an amazing night out with four new people I met tonight - Heather, Michael, Tom, and Alex. We went to this cute lil place called Cafe Alma in downtown St. Petes for a few drinks and lots of interesting chatter. I met Heather via this sinister website and thankfully she turned out as cool in person as she was online. Tonight was definitely fun and hope I see these folks again soon.
Thu, 17th Jun '04, 7:10 pm::
Here's a brief summary of an exciting day. I went to the Clearwater Beach today with Arthur. While in the sea we met a gorgeous 22 year old ex-waitress/stripper named Crystal. We talked and swam for almost two hours and then me and Art headed back home. Now I know you're thinking what-the-hell but it's true. We wanted to stay longer but Arthur had to pick up his car from the service department before five.
MasterCard Ad follows: Parking - $4, Lunch - $20, Gasoline - $2, Meeting a bikini-clad stripper on a beach - Priceless... There are some things money can't buy. For everything else there're the Florida Beaches.
Here's to a new way of life...!
Tue, 15th Jun '04, 6:50 pm::
I just bought a new car!!! It's the Scion xA by Toyota! It's dark cherry red and soooooooooooooooooo smooth :) It's under my 15k price range too. I'll post pics of it soon hopefully.
Mon, 14th Jun '04, 6:45 pm::
I'm in Florida! Arrived here safe and sound with my awesome buddy Arthur. He's helping me move in and buy all the necessary stuff that I need to live. Tomorrow we go buy me a car! Hopefuly.
Sun, 13th Jun '04, 5:25 am::
I'm in Cumming, Georgia right now at Arthur's aunt's gorgeous house. We're about 40 miles away from the capital city Atlanta. It's been a good ride so far - over 12 hours in the car. We got 8 more hours till we reach my new place down in St. Petes. Wish us a safe trip :)
Fri, 11th Jun '04, 2:00 pm::
A lot of last times happened in a very short span of time today. Last time I saw Rutgers. Last time I saw Tamara, Doug, Tine, Elaine, and Ed. Last time I saw Chris and Tim. And the last time I saw Michele :( I had lunch with her and we just chilled for a bit after that, talking about god knows what. I'm going to miss her a lot. I'm going to miss everything a lot.
Last night I saw Becky for the last time. She almost cried when I didn't give her a good enough hug. I remember how similar things happened when I left India four years ago. Last time I walked into my room and last time I went to my dad's office. Of course, I can visit any of these places and people again, but it'll never be the same.
Tonight I'm going to drop off my aunt at the airport and pack my stuff into Arthur's car. Tomorrow early morning we leave for Atlanta. We'll sleep over at his cousin's house and then drive to St. Petersburg the next morning. This is going to be one rough weekend, physically and emotionally. My current mood is nostalgic and sad but I'm sure as soon as we hit the road, it'll change to ecstatic and apprehensive.
Here's hoping to the last ever 'blog entry from New Jersey!!! Bubye New Brunswick! You were so good to me. Thank you everyone.
Fri, 11th Jun '04, 8:50 am::
This is my last 'blog entry from my work ever! In a few minutes the awesome people at my work are going to throw me a farewell breakfast party :) I am so going to miss working here.
Thu, 10th Jun '04, 2:15 pm::
If you thought I haven't 'blogged in days, there's a perfectly addictive reason for it: Scrabble Blast. I am hooked. I can't stop playing it. I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop telling everyone about it! My highest score for the demo version is 1940 within three levels. See if you can beat that.
Thu, 10th Jun '04, 2:10 pm::
Coming back to aunt's home has been a very different experience for me. During the last year in the bunker, I made my own rules and times. Now I gotta live by the house times - wake up at 7, go to bed at 11. While I lived here before for over two years, I don't think I can ever feel comfortable living at home again. I need my own place. Once you've discovered the freedom of living alone, I think you are spoiled for the rest of your life. Thankfully for me, I'm gonna get my own place in 2 days. Till then I'm back to being a 10 yr old baby eating dinner at regular dinner time instead of midnight.
Thu, 3rd Jun '04, 10:35 am::
Last night out with Mason and his buddy Alex to the Delilahs club was amazing. I have no idea why we didn't go there before.
Anyways, I'm living @ my aunt's house now and just packing for Florida. Not much is going on in my life except counting days till June 12. I already have a place I want to move into in Florida and hopefully I'll get a car as soon as I get there. Wish me luck and send me an email :) I may not reply soon but I'll try my best.
Wed, 2nd Jun '04, 5:00 pm::
What a wonderful day. My cute lil friend Linda picked me up from work and we went to Bertucci's for lunch. It has been a long time since I last talked to her. The amazing thing is she got me newspapers from China and Hong Kong! My collection is growing steadily thanks to my amazing friends :)
During lunch my Dad called up, telling me to wish my Mom a happy birthday. Of course I did all excitedly. I even got Linda to say Happy B'day to my mom :) Boy was my dad jealous or what!
After lunch I didn't feel like going home so we hit up the movies right next door. We saw The Day After Tomorrow which I thought was a pretty good flick. A lot of people have rated it bad for trifling reasons. Over all, it was an entertaining movie and while the story was quite improbable, it isn't entirely impossible.
Anyways, after a nice lunch and movie, I got back home and here I am. Hope I get to see her again sometime. Who knows, maybe in Florida...
Wed, 2nd Jun '04, 11:10 am::
Happy B'day Mummy!!!