read > poems > hope > orchestra of oceans
Orchestra of Oceans
Afront an audience of me,
Last minute tunings of string.
Submerged 'neath a frothy sea,
The symphony of life, simmering.
The sands take a bow,
The waves pick up bass.
With cacklings from above,
First movement gathers pace.
Whence came these notes,
Of shells clappin' sync.
Glaring harmony of boats,
Encores me but to think.
For who am I, and what
I want to be, and why
I seek questions, and not
The answers, seldom nigh.
Dead corals surge ashore,
My horizon pitch livid.
Senses unaware, as afore,
Minuet of winds, candid.
Cue - enigmas are charades,
These life queries? A blip!
Presto! I can hear accolades,
The baton, now in my grip.
No longer shall hope destruct,
Choked by mind's commotions.
'Tis now my moment to conduct,
This Orchestra of Oceans.
- Author: Chirag Mehta, 18 Jun. 2007.
- This text is copyrighted to Chirag Mehta, 2007.
- For reproduction / copyright information contact me.