I think there is a Kitty in my...
- My kitties Giga & Tera (more pics here) love to get inside things for no apparent reason.
- I just take pictures at the right moment.
- No kitties were harmed in the shooting of these pictures.
I think there is a kitty in my... Keyboard Box
Giga loves this keyboard box so much that I haven't thrown it away for past two months. He just loves to get inside it and chew on the soft cardboard. Good thing he doesn't swallow it. Bad thing he spreads little pieces all over my room.

I think there is a kitty in my... Microwave
That'll teach me to shut the microwave door the next time.

I think there is a kitty in my... Trash Can
Tera's pretty stupid like that. She moved the trash can from the side to the middle of my room and somehow got into it. She was purring when I found her in there.

I think there is a kitty in my... Kitchen Drawer
How Giga gets in this drawer is a feat by itself. He opens the door under the drawer and climbs into the drawer from the back. Pretty clever but kinda scary now that he's getting big.

I think there is a kitty in my... Pillows
Tera likes to chill in my bed a lot. Lately her favorite place is sandwiched between my pillows.

I think there is a kitty in my... Computer Case
This is where Giga hides from me before I'm about to clip his nails/claws each week.

I think there is a kitty in my... Jeans
Tera loves my clothes for some reason. Any time she finds my pants, shirts, shorts, and even my towels lying around, she gets in/under them!