Midwest Dad LifeMon, 12th Aug '24, 3:55 pm::

Ever since we moved to the outskirts of Chicago, I've noticed a gradual transformation in my way of thinking and acting. Surprisingly, it's not about slowing down or settling. It's about deliberation and acknowledgment. Nothing in my life has gotten simpler or easier. On the contrary, I'm busier than ever with family matters, tech projects, and social events. What has changed is how much more willful I am with the activities I choose to do, especially the mundane ones.

It's most likely age instead of just moving to a new place but I am a lot less stressed out now when I have to fix a broken chair or go grocery shopping. Back in Florida, I handled computers and for everything else, I had a guy. I had a guy who fixed my chairs (miss you Dan), I had a guy who did my family's laundry, and I had a guy who fed my pets. I moved to Illinois, partly with the hopes of being more self-sufficient, so I could not only take care of my family personally, but also instill some of that DiY ethos in our kids. And I'm pretty happy to say that I'm living up to the expectations that I had setup for myself.

I used to absolutely hate waking up to drive the kids to school just a few years ago. I hated going grocery shopping. I didn't care for gardening, meal-prepping, or cooking. This summer, I loved talking to the kids every day as I drove them to and from day care and summer camp. Every week or so, I bought fresh watermelons, cut them into small cubes, and stored them in smaller containers so the kids and Juliet could snack on them any time. I weeded large parts of our yard and gardens. I woke up early yesterday and sliced & diced all the fresh veggies our neighbors gave us from their organic garden. This week, I took the kids to skate park, playground, trampoline park. I took Juliet out shopping and thrifting. Nobody's forcing me to do any of this. I just want to. For myself and my family. This is what I mean by the transformation.

I could have done any of this years ago but I just didn't feel like it. Now I do. Not sure why. The simpler things are enjoyable and fulfilling now. They weren't before. I am not expecting to suddenly change who I am and become a chef or handyman. I'm simply doing a bit more than I used to, but more importantly, I am choosing to do more without pouting. Regardless of the reason, it's made life a lot more enjoyable. Even when I am sick and can barely get out of bed. Just doing what I should do, is comforting.

Sometimes I'm on auto-pilot, just running the daily errands. But most of the times, I plan my days to the nearest 15min slot. My schedule is fleshed out 3-4 months out, especially due to medical appointments, tech meetings, and kids events. What's not on the family schedule is baking carrots, green beans, and zucchinis. Somehow, that is a fun activity. Trust me, I'm as surprised as anyone else who has known me for years.

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