Sun, 23rd Mar '03, 9:05 pm::

Tonight I tried to have fun while chattin' on aim. Just for the hell of it, I started saying totally unrelated random things in between normal casual chats. Not a lot of people got the humor in it, but oh my god, my tummy's hurting from all the laffin! Here's some of the stuff i tried...

  • Is that how you really treat people huh?
  • But that's not what Stalin said!
  • Are you saying you discriminate against people who are not 'normal' ?
  • I guess from that point of view, you are probably right. but you should really get some psychiatric help soon.
  • Are you telling me after all this time that you are a GUY?
  • And best of all, instead of saying 'cya/later/tata/bubye', I ended all chats with: This conversation has ended.

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