Tue, 25th Mar '03, 10:55 pm::

The coolest thing just happened. I was just channel surfing and by mistake I landed on VH1 and they had a program called 'Hard Body', where they were showing celebrity skin care locations, like top New York Salons and best California tanning salons. And guess what? I JUST SAW MY NEXT CLIENT ON TV! Last week we discussed on phone how I will design a new site for his tanning salon. And just now I saw him on TV! That's soooo cool! I just called him up to confirm it, and he said it was him :) Pretty sweet huh?

Oh and guess who often goes to his tanning salon? Jennifer Lopez and Christina Aguilera to say the least! Pretty much every Hollywood celebrity goes there. I think I'll like working on his site. Next week or so I'll begin. Let's see how it goes...

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