Thu, 27th Mar '03, 7:55 pm::

Just replied to lotsa client emails. Things are pretty pretty good on the commercial side. I've been pleasantly busy :). Dinner w/ Mich & Angie was good. Stuffed like a pig now. Gonna do some work on one of my client sites for a bit and then go off to study forever.

Kinda tensed with one of my graduation requirements. Will explain more in detail once I've sorted out stuff. But it's all good :) Can't wait till this weekend. Other than Econometrics lab (that usually takes 12-16 hours if I work non-stop = one wholeeeee saturday or sunday), preparing for Math quiz, finishing Physics webassign, and working on 2-3 sites, I'm thinking of going to the city. Let's see if all the pieces fit in...

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