Wed, 11th Jun '03, 11:45 am::
Wed, 11th Jun '03, 10:40 am::
Whoa! Guess what I just found on the Internet: Remember the evil-genius HAL computer from Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Oddessey? What do you get when you add one to each letter of HAL? H -> I, A -> B, L -> M = IBM! Kinda spooky. Like those Bill Gates is the Devil things. But of course, Clarke denies any connections... just a coincidence.
Wed, 11th Jun '03, 8:35 am::
I dunno if I mentioned this but last week I bought a new shaver. I have now a shaver and a trimmer by Conair. Have to admit it, after trying a number of different products, I've come to the simple conclusion that Conair is a totally awesome company. I shaved last night @ 6pm (after getting the most expensive haircut ever - $18 - ya I was stupid - next time I'm going back to my $8 guy). It's over 14 hours now and not even minor stubble. I can finally go two days without shaving now and not look like a grizzly :)
Got econ exam tonight. Kinda worried since I don't have the book yet (it's in the mail) and the course material is pretty hard. Gonna do all my studying online on G. Lotsa stuff to do @ my work too.