Sat, 4th Oct '03, 4:25 pm::

Happy B'day to me! 23 and counting...

My monitor's officially 1 year old now. We have the same b'day. My mp3 player is 1 year 2 days. This year I didn't buy anything for myself, cuz funds are short. Anyways, lotsa people wished me already. Thanks! Too bad I have more work and homework than I wanted this week, but it's all due in 2-3 days so I have to study now. Will prolly go out or something tonight. Nothing planned. It's always better that way.

My computer graphics class really IS hard. VERY hard. I spent 18 hours on the project already and have barely completed 30% of the assignment. And the project's really important too - 20% of my final grade. Ok, homework time.

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