Thu, 31st Mar '05, 8:45 pm::

Anyways, Jessica has been awesome lately. She came over to my apartment at lunch so that she could take care of Giga! She was here all day. I took Giga to the hospital again so that the doctor could tie a new bandage on his foot. Turns out, last night after I brought him home, he shaked his foot off so hard the tiny bandage come off. Since I didn't want him biting his stitches, I tore off a new sock and tightened it around his foot using medical tape. It worked and he was ok for the day but stuff like that can lead to infections. So I went to the docs again.

Jessica bought some gauze and medical tape for him in case I need to bandage him in the middle of the night :) She rocks. Now Giga's being a good boy and is just resting near me. Tera's her usual playful self. Hopefully, Giga will recover over the weekend so that by the time I leave for India, I can give two healthy kitties to Linda.

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