Sun, 2nd Dec '01, 10:15 pm::
I think I'm in a much better mood right now. Well yesterday was a pretty good day. We had a house-warming party and about 100 people came. The best surprise came from my mom's bro (Mama) and his wife and daughters (Priyanka and Jenisha). We had invited them but they did not tell me if they were coming or not, and so I thought they wouldn't. Turns out, to my great good luck (where was this luck today afternoon huh?) they came! I was just sooooo glad to see them. Anyways, I hosted a nice Bingo-like game for the audience and it went pretty good and everybody loved it. The food was especially good, after all my aunt's a great cook (and don't forget I was the one who peeled, sliced, and cut 50,000 onions!!!!!) Haha...