Top Ten Kickass Things about Growing OlderThu, 4th Oct '07, 12:05 am::
Today I turn 27 years old. Last year when I hit 26, I "hit" 26. I was no longer a young kid and wasn't looking forward to growing old. Now, I turn 27 and I couldn't be more optimistic. What's not to love about growing older anyway? Here's my...
Top Ten Kickass Things about Growing Older
- Wine keeps getting finer
- Loans to repay keep getting smaller
- Hairstyle keeps getting less critical
- Music collection keeps getting larger
- Embarrassments keep turning into good memories
- Good memories keep getting fonder
- Bad memories keep fading away
- Being cool keeps becoming less important
- Weight keeps becoming a useless number
- Bonds of love and friendship keep getting stronger
I'm smiling that I'm 27 now. I can't wait till I'm 35.