Sat, 8th Dec '01, 12:40 pm::

NEWS ALERT: Well if you've been in touch w/ my life (most likely through this blog) then you've probably heard me ogle about The Anonymous Calc Girl. Right ? Well, the name's Michele. Michele with a single 'L'. Yesterday we met again @ the bus stop after Calc2 class and we started chatting. She's pretty fun to talk to (but she'll admit I'm even more fun ! HAHA). Well after coming home, I went online and saw that she was on too. So we kinda like started chatting @ 4:30 pm and next thing I knew, it was 1:30 AM !!!! It's really surprising that I did not bore the hell out of the poor girl. Haha.

Well, she actually went through my whole 'blog and was quite happy to know that she was the anonymous calc girl! Haha. And now she wants me to say nice things about her. No way! I'm not gonna lie on my blog. Right? Oh well maybe a little. Ok, here'z a small little lie for you Michele:

    "You're cute, nice, and sweet. Oh and did I mention - perfect?"

Happy? Haha

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