Fri, 5th Apr '02, 10:00 pm::
I'm soooooo overworked right now it's not even funny! I was supposed to go to a movie w/ Kath, Vicky and their friends but I had too much work and plus there was a little problem with the ride to college too. So oh well... I get to stay @ home and enjoy work! URGH. Anyways, I was talking to my other friend Vicky, and something came up and here's what happened:
- Chime: I'm sooo scared!
Vicky: Why?
Chime: Because this is supposed to be the most 'fun' period in my life!
Vicky: Oh. So you're afraid of the future?
Chime: No! I'm afraid that someday in the future I'll actually look back on today and be all nostalgic and tell myself - 'Boy! Were those days fun or what!'
Vicky: LOL